torsdag, december 20, 2007

Al Qaida-man greps i Sverige, nu åtalas han i Tyskland

Idag meddelade tyska åklagarämbetet att åtal väcks mot Abdelali Miftah, en 25-årig marockan som greps i Sverige i mars, och senare utlämnades till Tyskland. Man misstänker att han rekryterat heliga krigare åt Al Qaida i Irak.

AP skriver:

German prosecutors said Thursday that they have filed terrorism charges against a Moroccan man accused of helping recruit foreign fighters for al-Qaida in Iraq.

The man, identified only as 25-year-old Abdelali M., was arrested in Sweden in March and handed over to Germany in May.

Federal prosecutors said in a statement that they filed charges against him Nov. 18. They accused him of helping found a terrorist organization abroad and of supporting al-Qaida in Iraq by helping recruit Islamic militants and smuggle them to Iraq.

Prosecutors alleged that he was an accomplice of a German-Moroccan dual citizen, identified only as Redouane E.H., who went on trial in Germany in July on similar charges.

They said that, between June and July of 2006, he was involved in recruiting and then smuggling into Iraq three militants — one each from Morocco, Egypt and Said Arabia.

At the same time, they said, the accused helped found a terrorist group in Sudan whose aim was to "build up a front ... against the 'crusaders'" and wage holy war.
En kul detalj i det här fallet är att svenska myndigheter grep, och släppte, Miftah flera veckor innan han plockades in igen misstänkt för terroristbrott. The Local skrev om det:
German justice officials had ordered 24 year-old Abdelali Miftah remanded in custody in absentia, "as part of an inquiry in Germany on terrorist crimes," prosecutor Ronnie Jacobsson told AFP.

He said Miftah is suspected of participating in preparations to commit terrorist attacks but gave no further details.

Miftah was arrested in Sweden several weeks ago because he had no residency permit but was released. On Monday, after receiving the German warrant, Swedish police arrested him again. On Thursday, he was remanded in custody.

Jacobsson said Morocco had also issued a warrant for Miftah's arrest, but this was not sufficient for authorities in Sweden to act.
Flera intressanta dilemman här: Inget uppehållstillstånd - killen släpps. Marocko begär honom utlämnad för terroristbrott - ingen åtgärd. Var hade han bott om inte tyskarna hade ringt och bett om honom?